Add your name to the petition to protect our schools and our kid’s freedom to learn.
All children deserve an excellent education that gives them the freedom to learn and prepares them for the future, no matter their color, background or zip code.
Instead of banning books and turning over public school funding plans to a bunch of out of state special interests, we need fully fund every school with the resources needed to deliver every child a quality education, no matter their color, background or zip code.
Dear Tennessee Elected Officials:
All children deserve an excellent education that gives them the freedom to learn and prepares them for the future, no matter their color, background or zip code.
But, today, some politicians rather turn us against schools and teachers, hold school funding hostage for their specific interest groups or ban books we should have the courage to learn from, all to keep us from coming together to demand the resources our schools need to ensure every child a quality education.
Tennessee is ranked near last in school funding. Gov. Bill Lee's new funding plan, copy and pasted from special interest groups, threatens to rip millions of dollars out of our public schools when we should be trusting local communities with how best to fund and support their local schools.
Book bans and censorship are un-American distractions from what really matters: having the courage to give our children the freedom to learn, think critically, and prepare for the future.
Instead of banning books and turning over public school funding plans to a bunch of out of state special interests, we need elected official who will commit to fully funding our schools and equipping every school with the resources they need to deliver quality education that prepares every child for the future, no matter their color, background or zip code.
Where do you stand? Will you reject these threats to public education and commit to fully funding, and resourcing, every school with the resources to ensure every child a quality education, without exceptions?
[add your name]