We support coalitions that promote forward-thinking policies that make Tennessee a fairer, healthier, more prosperous state.
No matter where we come from, the color of our skin, the language we speak, who we love, religious faiths or none at all, most of us want pretty similar things: good jobs, fair wages, healthy and safe families, excellent education for kids in our community, and a chance to make a better future.
But today, certain politicians try to divide us. They try to make us fear each other so we won’t come together to demand the schools, health care, jobs and policies our families need and lead to that future.
ForwardTN supports coalitions devoted to moving Tennessee forward in making a better future, where people join together across racial differences to demand the solutions to real challenges our families and communities face, and the solutions that make a better future for all Tennesseans.
Current coalitions we are supporting:

A coalition of Tennessee Doctors and Health Care workers advocating for the health and wellbeing of their patients and all Tennesseans.

Across our country Christian theology has been exploited to promote policies that harm our communities and isolate us from our neighbors. The Southern Christian Coalition is a coalition of clergy, people of faith and faith leaders speaking up for Christian values.

A coalition of Tennessee local and small business owners advocating for policy solutions that promote small business growth and prosperity to create a strong and vibrant economy.

TNDF is a Tennessee not-for-profit corporation that is operating as a project of ForwardTN. It was formed to increase the public debate about democracy in Tennessee and to make the case for a pro-democracy agenda in the state. Beginning in 2022, TNDF hosted a series of Conversations on Democracy – both in person and remote – that included a bi-partisan group of national leaders on economic and political democracy.

A coalition responding to lawmakers who have have carved up Tennessee, creating an unprecedented gerrymander, subverting the will of voters, and eroding representation for communities of color.
Be among the first to know about important news, upcoming volunteer events, and new ways to advocate for a fairer, healthier, more equitable Tennessee.