Call Key Lawmakers: Protect our RIGHT to birth control in Tennessee

A phone ringing off the hook is more difficult for a lawmaker to ignore than a flooded inbox. Use this tool to call your elected officials.

Complete the form to begin connecting with the lawmakers representing YOU in the Tennessee General Assembly.

  1. Introduce yourself and let them know you're a regular voter and constituent
  2. Share your message
  3. Connect to your values
  4. Ask for a response and let us know what you heard!

(this is just a guide. Please feel free to make it your own)

Dear [Senator/Representative LAST NAME],


I can be reached at [INSERT PHONE].

Thank you again for your service and I look forward to discussing this issue further.

Thank you.

  1. Enter your phone and address to identify which lawmakers represent you.
  2. Our system will call you and deliver a recording of instructions.
  3. When ready, just press the star key (*) to connect with your first lawmaker office.
  4. After each conversation, don't hang up, just press the * (star key) to move to the next set of instructions and next lawmaker.